Each one on this earth, man or woman, is beholden to one's mother. "Maatrudevo Bhava" is the first lesson for the young initiated, advising them to see the Lord first in their own mothers. There is no existence for any of us without our mothers. Some are fortunate to see their mother and live with her for several years. Some have the luxury of having her by their sides till their own ripe old age. A few are unfortunate to lose her at birth itself or before they are able to understand and acknowledge her presence.
Many devout Indians go to Gaya in Bihar for offering Pindas to their forefathers. Pindapradan or sacred offerings is a way of remembering our elders and expressing our gratitude to them. Is there any place which is specially identified for remembering one's mother exclusively, the who makes innumerable sacrifices to give birth and nurture the child?
MatruGaya or Siddhpur in Patan District of Gujarat, located on the banks of the holy river Saraswati, is the place for devout Indians to visit and make Pindapradan for the mothers. It is a two hour drive (110 KM) from Ahmedabad airport. Siddhpur has a very interesting history.
MatruGaya or Siddhpur in Patan District of Gujarat, located on the banks of the holy river Saraswati, is the place for devout Indians to visit and make Pindapradan for the mothers. It is a two hour drive (110 KM) from Ahmedabad airport. Siddhpur has a very interesting history.
Kardama Prajapati was the son of Lord Brahma and chose Shristhal, earlier name for Siddhpur, for his penance. Pleased with his long penance, Lord Vishnu advised him that Manu and Shatarupa Devi will be approaching him for marrying their daughter, Devahuti. Lord Vishnu also told Kardama that he will himself take birth as their son in due course. Kardama and Devahuti had nine daughters and Lord Vishnu was born as their son Kapila later on. Sage Kapila is recognized as one of the main contributors of the Dualistic form of Indian Philosophy.

Siddhpur has some more history behind it. It is believed that Bramharshi Dadeechi gave away his backbone here to Lord Indra for making of "Vajraayudha" to enable him to kill Vrutrasura. There is also a lake here called "Bindu Sarovara" which is believed to have been formed from the drops of water that fell from the eyes of Lord Vishnu. Pindadaan is done around this holy lake.
What does the son tell his mother while offering the sixteen Pindas? Their rough translation is somewhat like this:
- I was responsible for the difficulty you experienced while walking on earth during pregnancy, when I was in your womb.
- I caused immense hardship for you while growing from month to month in your womb.
- I kicked you often with my legs without realizing that it would hurt you.
- I gave you trouble in the form of death-like pains while staying in your womb.
- I gave many other troubles till the tenth month, when you delivered me.
- I was the cause of all the suffering you faced as delivery date approached.
- You had to drink and swallow many bitter liquids and medicines before and during my birth.
- Your body suffered a lot after birth, while nurturing me.
- You were rendered miserable due my wetting the bed frequently, especially during nights.
- You always gave me food and water on priority even while ignoring your own needs.
- I caused pain and trouble while you breast fed me day and night.
- You suffered during summer and winter months due to my dependence on you.
- You suffered more than me whenever I was sick.
- You ate little and yet gave me full, always.
- There are no sons like me; I troubled you the most.
- As you cross the gates of heaven, I remember you and offer these Pindas.
While offering the sixteen pindas, the son mentions that it is for atoning for each of the sins mentioned above.
Kardama Prajapati, Devahuti and their son Kapila have become an integral part of the lives of people who remember MatruGaya or visit that place for sacred offerings.