Friday, September 30, 2016

You Have Not Availed The Limit Fully

The Managing Partner of the firm was sitting before the Bank Manager. He was discussing about his application for enhancement of the firm's working capital limits. When he put in the application, he was confident that the enhancement requested would be approved without any trouble. After all, his firm was one of the old customers of the bank and the dealings were always satisfactory. As the key person handling the finances of the firm, he exercised utmost restraint while using the funds from the working capital loan account sanctioned by the bank. Drawings were always kept at the minimum and interest was serviced as soon as it was levied. There was not even one instance of seeking excess withdrawal during the entire year. In fact, the drawings were mostly less than half of the limit sanctioned to the firm. He did not quarrel about the service charges levied by the bank from time to time. Inspectors deputed by the bank were free to visit the unit and see the stocks and books of the firm at any time of their choosing. They were treated with due courtesy and all their questions were promptly answered. The books of accounts were always up to date. Financial statements and information required by the bank were submitted without any reminders for them. There was absolutely no reason for the bank to decline his request for enhancement. If the bank does not approve enhancement for a client like him, who stands a chance for enhancement of the limits, he reasoned.

He was flabbergast at the way in which the Bank Manager looked at the application for enhancement of the limits. "There is no doubt about yours being one of the best accounts we have at the bank. We would have no hesitation at all in enhancing the limits except for one issue. There is no justification for enhancing the limits this year. You will appreciate that you have not availed even half of the limits approved for you last year. Bank has placed scarce resource at your disposal by sanctioning the limits. But you have not availed the limit fully at all. Whatever was sanctioned earlier has gone a waste. When the bank gives you a limit, we expect you to avail the same. If you did not really require it, bank would have placed the funds at the disposal of someone else who needed it and earned interest. Funds sanctioned to you were blocked and remained unused. Hence we find it difficult to enhance the limit now", the Manager said. For the first time, Managing Partner realized the importance of availing the limits fully. 

"You are a good client and we respect you for that. Bank will certainly meet your genuine requirements. But the resources placed at your disposal have indeed to be used. If they are not used, it leads to the inescapable conclusion that they are not required by you. It would be given to someone else who has more needs for it.", the Manager concluded.

Saint Vijayadasa is one of the most revered philosophers and composers in the "Haridasa" heritage. He lived in Raichur district of North Karnataka in the 18th century (1682-1755). He is credited with more than 25,000 compositions in Kannada language and continuing the tradition of Saint Purandaradasa. His compositions are sung and practiced even today. He was born in a very poor family and had very difficult upbringing. He had to withstand the ridicule and humiliation heaped by his relatives and other villagers on his mother, brothers and himself. He took all the suffering in his stride and believed in the path chosen by him. He did not hold any rancor or hatred even against his worst tormenters. He was highly respected for this approach to life and became a cult figure during the later part of his life. He had many followers and disciples who conferred many luxuries on him out of reverence and affection. While he did not have two square meals a day during the early part of his life, he was able to manage a large group of students and disciples who accompanied him on his tours, by providing for all their requirements. He was given palanquins, servants and all other items required for a luxurious living. While he received any item given to him by others, he never used them and remained a humble being leading a simple life.

Gopaladasa was among the foremost of the disciples of Vijayadasa. His childhood and upbringing was very similar to that of Vijayadasa. Gopaladasa had a different view about using the many items given by his Guru's followers. He was not happy with his Guru not using the items offered by the people with reverence. "Guruji, All these items are given by your followers due to the respect they have for you. In a way, it is given by the Lord himself through them. If you do not use them and let them go a waste, is it not an insult to the Lord himself? Any resource that he gives us is to be used properly. Allowing them to go waste is not acceptable to the Lord. Unless used properly, these material things lose their vitality and become useless. Lord has created these items for proper use. You should use them henceforth", he told Vijayadasa. Vijayadasa agreed with the views of Gopaladasa but did not yet like to use them. "I agree with your line of thinking. But I have got used to my present way of life. I suggest that you use these items on my behalf. Thus the resources will not be wasted. Please do so", he advised Gopaladasa.

Thereafter Gopaladasa put all the items received by his Guru to proper use. If he did not use it himself, he would give it away to the needy. It is said that he would proceed in the palanquin ahead of the Guru and advise those waiting to see Vijayadasa about his arrival. "I am not the Guru. He is coming behind me by walk. Please receive him and pay your respects to him", he would tell the gathering!

The conflict of spirituality and using material comforts at the same time often confuses us. Some believe in giving up all material comforts and lead a hard life as they think that it is the real practicing of spiritual living. There are others who believe that material comforts are gifts of the Lord and as such they should be respected and used. Vijayadasa and Gopaladasa represented these two streams of thinking. Who was right and who was wrong? Apparently both were right in their own way. 

The real answer for the conflict appears to be a golden mean between the two. Use of material comforts to an extent that it is not a vulgar display of luxury could be the middle path. What is vulgar display of luxury? There can again be many interpretation of this. Use of material wealth without attachment would be the key. Using them when available and not craving for them when they are not around, would not obstruct one's spirituality.  

A banker does not renew or enhance a credit limit unless the earlier sanctioned limit is availed fully. A banker wants the borrower to avail the limit and pay interest to him. Otherwise, he would place the resource at the disposal of someone else who needs them. What does the Lord expect when he showers some material conveniences to us? He expects us to use them judiciously without let them go a waste. He does not expect any interest like a banker. A mere acknowledgement of his kindness and treating his other subjects fairly is all he wants!

What about those who do not believe in the existence of The Lord? They are the lucky ones without any problems and conflicts. For them, material wealth is the means as well the end in itself.


  1. as usual beautifully written article. yes, you should accept with gratitude all the blessings that the good Lord showers on you He being the avaja karuna murthi.

  2. thats how our elders lived. they never resorted to illegal means to earn the material things to enjoy, at the same time they lead the life as per their earnings, there was dignity in the way they enjoyed their posesions. your thinking in your writings is worth the reading, as usuaL IT WAS VERY GOOD.

  3. Very good comparison, made so interesting to read.

  4. When one deserve for anything, should desire for it to that extent only & beyond that, it will not be deserving rather, he is depriving the others.

  5. what an knowledge/ view of thought to share. Thank You!

  6. Very nicely explained.your blogs are always interesting and informative. Once cannot stop reading and introspect.

  7. The way of comparison and how it is expressed is very interesting. It is an eyeopening to all the trainees.

  8. Using them when available and not craving for them when they are not around, would not obstruct one's spirituality-this is the line I liked most. Made good read, as usual!

  9. A very interesting article as it connects the past with the present day activities. Congratulations and best wishes PMVijayan

  10. A very interesting article as it connects the past with the present day activities. Congratulations and best wishes PMVijayan

  11. The conflict, Sir, is whether to use or not to use. In this country, people say 'do not throw (or refuse) the rizq, for eventually it will no longer be made available to us. We believe this. There is also another saying - it is not yours if you don't use it. A very good story that imparted the learning. Well done, Sir.
